
It's Really Been A Year?

Seems like yesterday we started working on designs and getting all kinds of legal work done to get our business started. We've done a lot this year and still have a lot to learn. We've meet a lot of cool people, networked, and exchanged ideas with some of the brightest minds i've ever meet.

Our designs are starting to develop into something one of a kind and I like the direction were moving in. I want to thank those who have helped and supported us. There's not enough words I can express how much I appreciate every single idea or word of encouragement you've given us. It's so humbling when individuals almost twice my age have come to me for business advice.

As we said in the beginning were here for the people. If your an artist, musician, or any type of artist get in contact with us and if we like what you stand for we'll be happy to put you on the blog.

This upcoming summer and this year were planning to bring you stuff that's all brand new things we've haven't done and we hope you'll enjoy it. Stay Tuned because there's a lot to come.

This is where we started.


And this is just a small fraction of our community now.

I know there's ALOTTTTT more people who have been there and bought stuff but you DON'T PUT PICTURES UP! If you do ever decide to post pictures or want to get them on the blog email me at raza.unu@gmail.com

This is just the beginning to the new movement.
bringing back the original meaning of streetwear of breaking away from what everyone else is doing and wearing.

As always my family.
Be Yourself, Be Different!!
Raza Ry.


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